Noble Attempts

The Screenplay’s the Thing: The Ides of March
Posted by Jennine Lanouette on Tuesday, February 7th, 2012
I just watched The Ides of March on DVD because I had missed it in the theaters. I always try to make a point of seeing political films when they come around. But some internal radar was telling me, “Don’t get too excited about this one.” Now I see that my gut feelings were not… read the full article.

The Battle in Seattle
Posted by Jennine Lanouette on Thursday, December 9th, 2010
I spent my Thanksgiving this year in Seattle. My first trip ever to that seafood city. So the night we got home, when Ed and I were looking for a video to watch, I said, “Let’s watch something Seattle-y.” That morning I had seen a three-page spread in the Seattle Times on the 10th anniversary… read the full article.