I Love Docs

In Search of a Balanced World: Miss Representation
Posted by Jennine Lanouette on Wednesday, May 11th, 2011
Lately, I have come to rely on feature documentaries to tell me what’s really going on in the world. In the last year or so, I have learned disturbing truths about the financial crisis (Inside Job), the housing crisis (American Casino), the education crisis (Waiting for Superman) and, just recently, the civil justice crisis (Hot… read the full article.

The Horse Boy
Posted by Jennine Lanouette on Wednesday, November 4th, 2009
Last weekend, I went to see two documentaries – Capitalism: A Love Story and The Horse Boy. In overall documentary terms, I would say Capitalism: A Love Story is the superior film, even though it put me in a bad mood. Not easy to face the sub-prime mortgage scandal portrayed as legitimized loan sharking. But… read the full article.